#Switched May 4
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Today for the 30-Day Podcast Coach4aday Challenge I am listening to an episode about two girls that were SWITCHED at birth.

Day 4 Podcast
The podcast I listened to is from “This American Life”. National Public Radio (NPR) host this weekly radio show and podcast. It has great popularity as demonstrated by the number of listeners it has each week. Over the airwaves it has 2.2 million people listen on more than 500 stations. Another 2.5 million people download the weekly podcast. It is hosted by Ira Glass.
“Switched at Birth” is the episode I listened to. It is a fantastic story that is almost hard for us to imagine taking place today. A brief synopsis is that in 1951 in a small Wisconsin town two infant girls went home to the wrong families. The two Sue McDonald and Marti Miller did not find out that the parents that raised them were not their biological families. This didn’t happen until both girls were in their 40’s. The story talks about the complications that occurred to both women and their families.
Popular Episodes of “This American Life”
“Switched at Birth” might not interest you, so I want to provide additional episodes to consider. There is link to Podcast Review “The Best 25 Episodes of This American Life”
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