#Sugar January 1
We may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this post.
This month I am about to embark on a 30-Day Challenge that I most likely will be doing by myself. For January it will be a SUGAR Detox.

First let me say that my wife is recovering nicely from fainting when she read what my goal is. My eating habits are finicky and are dominated by foods that contain SUGAR.
Last year I read an alarming stat about SUGAR. What scared me was learning that more than 70% of Americans eat over 3 times the recommended daily amount of sugar. When I reviewed my own personal eating behavior, I realized I was part of the majority. So today I am starting a challenge I know will be hard. Eliminating SUGAR is the scariest challenge I have undertaken. That fear is created because it will involve dramatic changes on my part. No one minds change unless they have to change. Well January I am going to attempt to flip an eating habit.
Starting today I need to change behaviors. Waking up each morning I drink a cup of coffee with an Italian Sweet Cream. It just happens to have 5 grams of SUGAR added. Walking 18 holes of golf each day I often drink a 20-ounce Gatorade and eat a pack of Lance Nekot Crackers. The drink contains 34 grams of sugar and the crackers 12 grams. When I realized that the recommended SUGAR intake is 50 grams, and those 3 items alone have 51 grams it made me pause.
30 Day Sugar Free Challenge
The idea with the 30-Day Sugar Free Coach4aday Challenge is to eliminate added sugars from my diet. It will require becoming mindfully to avoid all forms of sugar/artificial sweeteners in anything I eat. Reading labels will be my new obsession this month. Wish me good luck.
Sugar Detox Guide
I found an article by Further Food that included a guide of what does and does not contain SUGAR.

Sugar Detox Plan
Day 1-3 -My goal is to see if I can go “Cold Turkey” -Which means I am only eating protein, vegetables, and healthy fats. As I write this post, I am already struggling drinking coffee with no sweetener. I can feel my body craving SUGAR
Day 4-7-My goal is to add an apple a day along with one dairy product.
Week 2-My goal is to add an additional fruit, whole grain, and nuts
Week 3-4-Stay away from any processed or packaged foods containing sugar
Daily posts
With some previous monthly challenges, I did a daily post on that 30-day journey but for January I am going to avoid that. My focus is going to be on the gains I make in a SUGAR Detox month not the gaps I might have with perfection. I am going to measure certain data points to see what changes occur. Weight, quality of sleep, and blood pressure are three that come to mind. At the end of the month I will do a recap.
In the past I actively encouraged people to join me. This month I welcome the company but realize that this 30-day journey might not be for everyone. If you want to join in just type “I’m in” in the comments.
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