#SongLyricSunday-Paperback Writer January 3
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This week our host Jim Adams for Song Lyric Sunday has given us the prompt to write about a song that is PG. What that means is a song that begins with either the letter P or G.

Here are the “rules”:
• Post the lyrics to the song of your choice, whether it contains the prompt words or not. If it does not meet the criteria, then please explain why you chose this song.
• Please try to include the songwriter(s) – it’s a good idea to give credit where credit is due. Your post can be as long or as short as you want it to be.
• Make sure you also credit the singer/band and if you desire you can provide a link to where you found the lyrics.
• Link to the YouTube video, or pull it into your post so others can listen to the song.
• Ping back to this post or place your link in the comments section below.
• Read at least one other person’s blog, so we can all share new and fantastic music and create amazing new blogging friends in the process.
• Feel free to suggest future prompts.
• Have fun and enjoy the music.
I link my posts to Facebook and last week Robin Langley suggested I go with a Super Tramp song called “Give A Little Bit”. I really appreciate the suggestion and feedback. I think all writers regardless of the audience want to know someone does “Give a Little Bit” about what we publish. The song I selected has to do with writing and getting recognized.
I just could not get the song “Paperback Writer” by The Beatles out of my head. The song was written by Paul McCartney and John Lennon in 1966.

Here is a video
Each of us who write something each week probably can relate to the essence of the song. The song is sung from the perspective of an author/writer soliciting a publisher. The song gives off the vibe that a “paperback” is cheaper than a traditional hardcover book. The implication is that the writer isn’t all that good. I am sure all of us who write a blog feel that way. When we think that way we are WRONG. We are putting words together to share with others and that is good enough whether we get published or not.
If you are a contributor to Jim Adams Song Lyric Sunday thanks for being a WRITER. If you read the posts thanks for giving our work your time.
I wrote 3 books, but they never made it out of my computer.
You are writing and we enjoy reading your thoughts
So glad you went with this one! As a creative, I always wanted to get my novel written. I’m still working on it…going on 20 years now. Love the Beatles and each of them with their individual careers. Best songwriters of all time! So glad you chose this one! 🙂