#Salome April 12
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Today is Easter Sunday. During Holy Week (April 5-12) I like many Christians read a number of passages from the Bible. I am always amazed at what individuals I missed in previous readings. I came across the name SALOME.

As I researched her name I realized she was sort of a hidden biblical figure but very loyal. SALOME was the mother of the apostles John and James. She was present at the crucifixition of Jesus. She went to the tomb to prepare Jesus body with spices.
There are some Bible scholars that speculate that SALOME was the sister of Jesus mom Mary. So SALOME may have been the Aunt to Jesus. There is also good reason to believe that she supported Jesus and his ministry with resources.
It was no small feat to stand at the cross of someone condemned by the Romans. Often times there was guilt by association and people viewed as friends or family would often suffer ridcule. SALOME stood strong.
When you have people in your life that can stand by you at your darkest hour that is a gift. Glad I paid attention during Holy Week and learned of the gifts SALOME gave to Jesus.
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