#Reconciliation February 15
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Yesterday poem for the 30-Day Poetry Coach4aday Challenge was about love. Today I want to focus on RECONCILIATION.

My mind has been troubled over the past 6 months with multiple people I know dealing with fractured relationships. Those lack of friendly interactions are occurring in their workplace, marriages, the church they attend, friendships, and even on social media platforms. My mornings are filled with prayers that they will reconcile. Supplementing my daily prayers with a poem that touches on that topic.
Truth and Reconciliation
The poem I chose to read is called Truth and Reconciliation and it is written by Aniket Nikhade. Her works begin with these lines:
“Reconciliation in life happens when thoughts are in place and intentions are clear”
I encourage you to the link and read the entire poem.
Over time, often with the support of friends I have been blessed to repair broken relationships. That process involved the grace of forgiveness and the courage to confront what I was accountable for in the mess.
I need to stress that the fear of approaching RECONCILIATION with someone else was far worse than actually going thru the process.
Reconciliation is a wonderful gift. Failing to reconcile with someone comes with a steep cost. Over my lifetime I have seen people who in the past were great friends, but an event, words, or action caused a fracture. Eventually one of the two friends would die, and the other was filled with guilt or remorse far more toxic than anger. It is my hope that those that I pray for can remove the fracture.
So how do you go about reconciling a broken or damaged friendship/relationship before it is too late?
Lisa Fritscher Guide to Reconciling
I read a great post by Lisa Fritscher.
Her five steps of reconciliation included:
- Make the first move
- Apologize
- Stress the Importance of the Relationship
- Give it Time
- Let it Go
Think about a relationship you need to reconcile. I am pretty sure your efforts to get reconnected will improve your life. I’m praying it happens.
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