#Recap June 30
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Today is the last day of June so it is time for a RECAP of the 30-Day Sign Coach4aday Challenge

June 2022 was the 30th consecutive 30-Day Challenge me and others have completed. Attempting to put a moniker on that feat and the best I can do is “30 for 30”. Congratulations are in order once again this month to Jeff Neelon and Jaclyn Donovan who continue to be regular participants in whatever challenge I propose to them.
June Highlights
Reaching the age of 60 often brings with it personal technology dilemmas. That experience did not escape Jeff Neelon in the month of May. For some unexplained reason his daily 30-Day Challenge posts in May about podcasts could not be viewed. He claims that research on his own solved the glitch in June, but I have susceptions it was corrected by a teenage granddaughter.
Resolving his technology issues resulted in his posts this past month providing all of us examples of great signs. Personally, I loved seeing that a portion of the Robeson County Library is dedicated in his honor. Ironic that part of his legacy involves technology which he admits can be a struggle at times.

Jaclyn Donovan this past month gave us examples of some of the signage that decorate her “personal hydration station” located inside her home. For those unfamiliar with some of the cultural idiosyncrasies that you find in the State of Georgia most people refer to that hydration station as a bar.

List of Completed 30-Day Coach4aday Challenges

Tomorrow it is on to a new 30-Day Coach4aday Challenge for July. Hoping that others will give it a read and decide to join Jeff, Jaclyn, and me.
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