#Quotes January 30
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I am very fortunate that a number of talented basketball coaches follow this blog most via twitter. I was thinking on my long walk this past Saturday of some of my favorite basketball QUOTES. So I decided to make a post of them.

In no particular order here they are:
“You are never more open when you first catch the ball”
“Basketball is a simple game played by complex people”
“When the ball gets in high post, turn and face the basket, look low, look opposite“
“The defense has a difficult time defending two things in quick succession. Move the ball-move yourself”
“Help over don’t help up“
“Two things that don’t last long in this world, dogs that chase cars and teams that don’t make free throws”

“The most open person in basketball is the screener“
“If you get trapped get the ball reversed with at least two passes“
“In transition jump stop before you pass‘
“Attack a pressing team”
“This is the best team you will coach this year”
I am very grateful for what the game of basketball has done for me personally and professionally. It provided me a funding mechanism towards two college degrees. Gave me a career that I never viewed as a chore but a gift. Most importantly it introduced me to leaders who have had great influence on my life.
I will close with one last quote which is mine.
“The game doesn’t owe me anything but I owe it a lot”
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