#Loneliest July 17

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During the month of July, I have taken up the 30-Day Curiosity Coach4aday Challenge, and today’s focus is on what US Highway has the LONILIEST segment?

The mechanics of this challenge involve presenting a question and subsequently uncovering the optimal response.

July 17th Curiosity Question

What US Highway has the LONELIEST stretch of road?

In September my wife and I will take another road trip for 8 plus days. We will transverse four midwestern states and encounter some open spaces on various highways and byways. The longest stretch of U.S. highway that does not pass through a town is debated because how various entities define a town.

July 17th Answer on Loneliest Highway

This answer might have multiple responses but here is what I am concluding for the lower 48 states. My contender for the longest stretch is a portion of U.S. Route 50 (US-50) that runs through Nevada. This segment of US-50 between Ely and Fernley, known as “The Loneliest Road in America,” traverses a vast and sparsely populated area of the state, with minimal human settlements along the route. It got that name from a 1986 article in Life Magazine.

While US-50 passes through some small communities, the majority of this stretch is characterized by long distances between towns or any significant population centers. The desolate and remote nature of this particular segment of US-50 has earned it the reputation of being one of the longest stretches without notable towns or services along the highway.


My purpose in life is to coach. I am a former collegiate basketball coach, director of athletics, and chief of staff. I worked at four NCAA Division I & II universities during my career. At each campus I learned timeless lessons on teamwork and leadership. Today my passion is coaching others on what it takes to lead, serve, and succeed.

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