#Influence January 4
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When I present to groups on leadership, I often share a John Maxwell quote. “Leadership is INFLUENCE, nothing more, nothing less“.

Today I write a quick post that will end with a video. Do you sometimes feel as a leader, friend, spouse, parent, or volunteer that by serving others you don’t make a difference? Well, I want to remind you that you do. Remember Mark 12:31

‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”
When you choose to serve and love others, it does make a difference. When you live a life of integrity you will go long stretches not seeing evidence you have made a difference, but don’t despair. It may take time but eventually you will receive confirmation that having a servant leader’s heart is worthwhile. You never know who is watching and learning from you and that is INFLUENCE.
There are Natural Laws at work in our lives. We just need to trust that they work. The Bamboo Tree growth cycle can teach us a lot about having patience in dealing with others and growing INFLUENCE.
Your actions do impact others-enjoy the video.
Leadership is INFLUENCE.
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