#Harmony October 8
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Musicians and singers are often very creative people. I have found that observing creative people I can learn a lot. One aspect of music is singing in HARMONY.
Here are some lessons from singers that are great at HARMONY that apply to life also.
- Remember that in singing in HARMONY, you do not overwhelm the other members of the group with your own notes. We is greater than me.
- Having some basic musical knowledge may help you in reading and figuring out the HARMONY line and notes easier.
- HARMONY is a skill. As with all skills, you must do the hard work up front. If you can’t easily sing in HARMONY at first, you must put the effort in to learn how it works.
Three oversimplified lessons that HARMONY teaches us; it’s about the group, you have to understand the fundamentals, and you have to work hard. When those three come together it is beautiful.
Leave you with this example of HARMONY from Mumford and Sons
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