#Duo April 18

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For the month of April several of us are taking on the “30-Day Conversation Coach4aday Challenge“. Today’s dialog is a brief one between the DUO of Laurel and Hardy.

Laurel and Hardy, one of the most iconic comedy duos in film history, captivated audiences worldwide with their timeless humor and endearing characters. With Oliver Hardy‘s rotund figure and Stanley Laurel‘s lanky frame, their physical comedy routines became legendary.

April Conversation Challenge

The overarching aim for the 30-Day Conversation Coach4aday Challenge is to engage or to repeat conversations and disseminate them. Whether these conversations hold valuable lessons, shareable insights, or are simply a mishmash of thoughts, the goal remains to foster connection and potential learning experiences for all involved.

Rules of the Challenge

First brevity is the key. Second it is not necessary to fully identify the parties involved but writing it like a script might be helpful. Third the conversations being shared can come from personal experiences, books, films, TV shows, or are imaginations.

Do this daily for 30 Days posting on social media with the hashtag #Coach4adayChallenge

April 18th-My wife

In one episode Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy were up to mischief and Stanley was going to be late in getting home. They were debating how to handle it. Here is their conversation.

Stanley (Stan Laurel): What about my wife?
Oliver (Oliver Hardy): Call her up and tell her I’m working!
Stanley (Stan Laurel): You don’t know my wife.  She’ll never believe that.
Oliver (Oliver Hardy): If she was dumb enough to marry you, she’ll believe anything!

Here is a 7-minute clip where Oliver hasn’t seen Stan in several years and go to visit him at a Veteran’s Home.


My purpose in life is to coach. I am a former collegiate basketball coach, director of athletics, and chief of staff. I worked at four NCAA Division I & II universities during my career. At each campus I learned timeless lessons on teamwork and leadership. Today my passion is coaching others on what it takes to lead, serve, and succeed.

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