#Cuckoo May 27

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One Flew Over the CUCKOO’S Nest was a novel written by Ken Kesey and made into a 1975 hit film by the same name starring Jack Nicholson and Louise Fletcher.

As part of my 30 Day Challenge for May I am working dillengtly to complete (4) online courses/certifications. One of the four is class offered by the University of Pennsylvania and Dr. Maurice Schweitzer called Improving Communication Skills.

One part of the class deals with become aware of deception and Dr. Schweitzer uses the CUCKOO bird as an example. I learned a lot in this course about dealing with lies. I also came to accept that I am not a well tuned efficient human lie detector test. Actually I am quite flawed as are most of us.

The CUCKOO bird will lay its eggs in another birds nest and let another momma bird nurse and feed it. They are dubbed as brood parasites. Here is a video showing it taking place.

Cuckoo hijacking another bird’s nest

In essence the CUCKOO is hijacking an established system.

Jack Nicholson in the movie One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest was using the deception of being mentally ill to escape jail time. He also was constantly trying to disrupt the systems of Nurse Ratchet. One of the most ironic scenes in the movie is when he discovers that he is not the only one using deception.


We all need to remember what research has said time and time again, we all can be duped. In fact many of us think we are much better at detecting deception than we really are. That included me prior to the course. We all seem to be no better than a coin flip of detecting a lie without some training. Even then it is a challenge. Read this link.

The scary part is that professional people fare far worst in picking up the subtle cues.

We all need to keep in mind that during the pandemic there are people who are similar to the CUCKOO bird and are looking for a way to hijack us. Victims of cons, aren’t just  foolish and ignorant. They are often regular people who happen to be desperate or emotionally compromised by their circumstances. The pandemic can do that to all of us. Guard your nest.

If you are looking for some other tips here is another link.


My purpose in life is to coach. I am a former collegiate basketball coach, director of athletics, and chief of staff. I worked at four NCAA Division I & II universities during my career. At each campus I learned timeless lessons on teamwork and leadership. Today my passion is coaching others on what it takes to lead, serve, and succeed.

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