#Change April 4
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Today is day 4 of the 30-Day Quotation Coach4aday Challenge. You pick one word and then pair it with a quote. My word today is CHANGE.

About a decade ago one of my former students Newy Scruggs gave me a small pamphlet written by Jim Rohn. Jim authored countless books and recorded audio and video programs. His work helped motivate and shape an entire generation of personal-development trainers and leadership coaches. Rohn mentored Mark Hughes, Tony Robbins, Victor Hansen, Jack Canfield, and Brian Tracy.

Newy is lifelong learner and passionate about reading. He also is a very talented and award-winning sports broadcaster and journalist. You can follow him on twitter @newyscruggs
That gift from Newy contained a great quotation that I want to share.
Our Brains
Coach4aday LLC gives me the privilege to assist other leaders in navigating or achieving change. There is often frustration, resistance, and fear of doing something different. Going about something in a new way is hard because our brains are fighting us. Psychologist and neuroscientists basically tell us three points:

You want to read more about those three points go to this link on the Columbia Business School website
Day 4 Word-CHANGE
Here is the quote from Jim Rohn
“Your Life Does Not Get Better by Chance, It Gets Better by Change“
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