#Envy April 26
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ENVY can be dangerous and destructive.

I remain concerned about the prevalence of comparison in the 21st Century. When we measure our self worth against what we see on social media it can become a breeding ground for ENVY. There are countless reasons why we should avoid negative emotions. With ENVY it can brood silently for an extended period of time before it exposes itself. Once out in the open the behaviors become obvious.
Evolving into an ENVIOUS person requires a specific diet. It is emotion that can only be fed by negative and self destructive thoughts that become manifested in bad behaviors. People possessed by ENVY demonstrate animosity, thinking about how to harm others, gossiping, backbiting, lying, and anger.
In the book “Tuesdays With Morrie” the author Mitch Albom learned a valuable lesson about being ENVIOUS from his Brandies University Professor and mentor Dr. Morrie Schwartz. There is a portion of the book that addresses the lesson he learned.

One of the blogs I enjoy is Bullet Point Reading. The leader behind the blog is Duke Dahl and he did a review of the book.
When I read the book one of the takeaways I got was Morrie’s perspective on age.
If you don’t know about the book here is a brief synopsis.
Morrie Schwartz the professor is battling ALS. Mitch, his former college student, visits him every Tuesday. Morrie must accept his illness and Mitch is trying to find the true meaning of his life.
Here is the passage on ENVY that Mitch learned during his seventh Tuesday visit.
He has asked Morrie a question as the ALS began to severely restrict what he could not do. At this point during his visit Morrie could only just speak.
Morrie: Mitch what are you thinking?
Mitch: I am wondering how you don’t ENVY younger healthy people
Morrie: Oh I guess I do. I envy them being able to go to the health club or go for a swim. Or dance. Mostly for dancing. But ENVY comes to me, I feel it, and then let it go. Remember what I said about detachment? Let it go. Tell yourself, “That’s ENVY. I am going to separate from that now. And walk away”.
Mitch: How do you stop ENVYING me?
Morrie: “Mitch, it is impossible for the old not to ENVY the young. But the issue is to accept who you are and revel in that. This is your time to be in your thirties. I had my time to be in my thirties, and now is my time to be seventy-eight.”
To stop being ENVIOUS accept who you are and revel in it. There is only one of you and just being the best you will be enough. There is no need to compare.
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