#Fear January 27
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How do we overcome the emotion of FEAR?
Often times my strategy has been to avoid FEAR. I know I am not alone. What often happens when I avoid FEAR is I just become more anxious about it. I am convinced that spending time in quiet reflection or mindfulness thru breathing or meditation helps that anxiety.
When I sit each morning doing my box breathing I am attempting to take in the present moment. Almost always early with breathing meditation I will have thoughts of fear or anxiety. If not FEAR some other thought distraction. I recognize those thoughts and attempt to go back to breathing. I can tell you some mornings it is easier than others.
I have learned the secret is to observe FEAR and not attempt to avoid it. There is power in acknowledging that FEAR is present. It is that acknowledgement that FEAR is present that often leads me a decision to take it on or at least diminish the perceived paralyzing power I have given it.
I came across an acronym of what FEAR stands for.
False Expectations Appearing Real
It drives home a point that we create FEAR in our lives not necessarily the circumstances of our lives. Yes our minds create what we perceive as reality. The great curse of the 21st Century “comparison to others” doesn’t help.
I discovered the story of Thich Nhat Hanh while doing leadership reading a few weeks ago. He is s a global spiritual leader, poet, and peace activist. Yet it was his work as an artist writing short phrases in calligraphy about mindfulness that captured my attention.
“Every time your fear is invited up, every time you recognize it and smile at it, your fear will lose some of its strength.”
Thich Nhah Hanh
So the way to take on FEAR is to realize it is there and greet it with a big smile. That is FEAR’s kryptonite.
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