#Recap August 31
We may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this post.
For the month of August 2024 several of us completed the 30-Day County Coach4aday Challenge. The simple concept was to share a fact about a county in the US. My focus was on North Carolina, and today I am doing a RECAP.

Today marks the end of the 56th consecutive challenge three of us have finished. The past month I have learned a lot about three primary states Massachusetts, Georgia, and North Carolina thanks to Jeff Neelon and Jaclyn Donovan. Jeff focused on Mass and Jaclyn on GA.
List of Completed 30-Day Challenges
If you are interested here are all the previous challenges the 3 of us have taken on. Tomorrow it will be on to #57.
January 2020-Gratitude Journal This post offers an explanation on why I started these 30-Day Exercises
February 2020-Push-Up Challenge
March 2020-Book Challenge-Read 8 Books in 30 Days
April 2020-Baking Challenge
May 2020-Online Courses/Certifications-4 in 30 Days
June 2020-TED Talk Challenge-
July 2020-Daily Compliment Challenge
August 2020-Try Something New Daily Challenge
September 2020-Morning Ritual SAVERS Challenge-Silence-Affirmations-Visualization-Exercise-Read-Scribe
October 2020-Sharing Challenge-On a daily basis share something with another person
November 2020-Vocabulary Challenge-Learn a new word daily
December 2020-Photo Challenge-Post a photo daily
January 2021-Appreciation Challenge-Daily post a list of 10 things I was appreciative of
February 2021-Savings Challenge-Goal to save $1,000 in a month
March 2021-Ethnic Food Challenge-Prepare 4 Different Ethnic Menu’s
April 2021-30 Days in Nature Challenge
May 2021-Life Lesson Challenge-Share a daily Life Lesson with others
June 2021-Happy Place Challenge-On a daily basis list a place that makes you happy
July 2021-History Challenge-Share a daily history story, lesson, or fact
August 2021-Daily Prompt Challenge-Respond to a different daily prompt and write about it.
September 2021-Biography Challenge-Post or read a biography daily
October 2021-Knot Tying Challenge-Learn a new knot daily
November 2021-Album Challenge-Listen to a different LP each day
December 2021-Quiz Challenge-Take a daily test on some random subject
January 2022-Sugar Detox Challenge-Hardest Challenge I completed.
February 2022-Poetery Challenge
March 2022-State Trivia Challenge-post something interesting daily about a US State
April 2022-30 Day Quotation Challenge
May 2022-Podcast Challenge-Listen to a different podcast each day
June 2022 -Sign Challenge
July 2022-30-Day Ingredient Challenge-Identify ingredients in different products.
August 2022-30-Day DEAL Challenge
September 2022-30-Day Literary Lesson Challenge
October 2022-Stretching Challenge
November 2022-30-Day Election Trivia Challenge
December 2022-30-Day Sketch Challenge
January 2023-30 Day Movie Challenge
February 2023-30-Day Musical Instrument Challenge
March 2023-30-Day Letter Writing Challenge
April 2023-30-Day Exercise Challenge
May 2023-30-Day Baseball Challenge
June 2023-30-Day Flag Challenge
July 2023-30-Day Curiosity Question Challenge
August 2023-30-Day Phone Apps Challenge
September 2023-30 Day College Nickname Challenge
October 2023-30 Day 30 Words or Less Challenge
November 2023-30 Day 2 Ingredient Combo Challenge
December 2023-30 Day Anatomy Challenge
January 2024-30-Day 6 Degrees of Separation Challenge
February 2024-30 Day Re (Prefix) Challenge-Identify a word that starts with prefix RE
March 2024-30 Day Shoutout Challenge-Recognize someone for being special
April 2024-30-Day Conversation Challenge
May 2024-30-Day Astronomy Challenge
June 2024-30-Day Artwork Challenge
July 2024-30-Day Nickname Challenge
August 2024-30-Day County Challenge
September 2024 Challenge
Tomorrow it will be on to a new adventure-details will be in the September 1, 2024, post.
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