#Cluster February 25
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A week from today the 2020 North Carolina Primary Election will be over.

I realize not everyone reading this lives in NC but some of the street corners in our state and in Robeson County have every square inch compacted with signs. The photo below is not from NC but is an example of what I see at a number of places around the county a tightly packed CLUSTER of signs.

The CLUSTER of signs at the early one stop North Carolina Primary polling sites is on steroids.

The CLUSTER of poll workers at voting sites is also intense. There are rows of tents lining in the parking lot of the Robeson County Board of Elections office. Each tent is supporting a particular candidate.

I was able to avoid the gauntlet of people under these tents who want to stick a card or sample ballot in your hand. I accomplished this by deciding to walk to the Robeson County Board of Elections from my home. Choosing to be a pedestrian I accessed the polling site from a sidewalk located in the back of the building. My strategy avoided the tunnel of tents armed with campaign volunteers. If you drive and park you have no option.
I am not sure I understand the marketing or uniqueness of 100’s of signs at one spot. The images below at the intersection in front of my polling place creates a CLUSTER of messaging that erodes any chance of uniqueness.

Political yard signs don’t vote. Yard signs are not cheap-maybe $2.00 each. It may just be me but I don’t see an advantageous strategy in having 100 signs all in a CLUSTER.
It may be that candidates fear that if their sign is not in the same location as a rival they are doomed. That fear then creates a CLUSTER of messaging that prevents any name recognition for a candidate to emerge.
Nobody asked me but the visual overload caused by a CLUSTER of political yard signs is a waste of resources that could be better used in some other unique way to connect me to a candidate. I voted for candidates that connected with me on their competence, integrity, and servant leadership. I can’t discover that in a CLUSTER of signs.
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