Monthly Archive: June 2020

#Basketball June 10

This post may not intrigue anybody else except those that like analytics and the game of BASKETBALL. As part of my 30 Day Challenge to watch Ted Talks last week I stumbled on a...

#Vocation June 9

Opinion, motivation and desire are all things under our control. In our modern world they are not in short supply. Each of those three factors goes in to answering the question what is your...

#Anniversary June 8

Today my wife and I have been married 40 years. It is an ANNIVERSARY milestone that we thought we could celebrate with travel. The pandemic took that option away from us. We pray and...

#Resilient June 7

One of the TED Talks I watched as part of my 30 Day Challenge for June was by Lucy Hone and it was titled “3 Secrets of RESILIENT People.” Lucy Hone is actually Dr....

#Porch June 6

We have been working on having our house renovated and painted since October. We replaced windows, installed a new roof, removed exterior light fixtures, and gave the house a new paint color. We went...

#Perspective June 5

We all have big problems, big issues, big dilemmas, and big troubles from time to time. What if we could find a way to put all of those big things into PERSPECTIVE. Well if...

#Mansion June 4

There have been quite a few stories about the Executive MANSION in Raleigh NC over the past month. My post is not about the political motives of those protests but to relive a time...

#BlogoftheMonth June 3

It has been my practice to use the 3rd of each month to feature what I call the “Blog of the Month”.  I profile a blog or twitter feed I follow and encourage you...

#Rejuvenate June 2

One of the downsides of the pandemic is it has many of us running out of energy. I began to wonder what steps we all could take to REJUVENATE our levels of energy. One...

#TED June 1

Today begins another 30 Day Challenge. For June I am going to attempt to watch one TED Talk each day. Maybe, just maybe my world will improve by listening, reflecting, and considering the views...