Tagged: Verb

#LOVE October 2

For October 2023, I am participating in the “30-Day 30 Words Coach4aday Challenge” where the theme today is LOVE. October 2nd Theme Last week I was asked for advice on marriage and the importance...

#Active April 26

Today’s #Coach4aday post is on writing using ACTIVE sentences. (Passive) Often when I compose an entry for my blog on WordPress it will inform me that my writing has too many passive sentences. It...

#Love February 14

How do you measure LOVE? It is not easy to put a number on how you are feeling. It is much easier to measure actions than feelings. Yet today on St. Valentine’s Day much...

#Shroud August 24

Everyday that I write a post I realize how little I know about words. There are many words that can be both a noun and a verb. Here is a list of some of...