Tagged: The Alchemist


#Destiny April 23

For the month of April several of us are taking on the “30-Day Conversation Coach4aday Challenge“. Today’s dialog is on DESTINY. One of the impactful books I have read is the 1993 novel called...

#Dream September 26

For September I am participating in the 30-Day Literary Lesson Coach4aday Challenge today the lesson is achieving a DREAM. Sometimes books even novels can inspire us to achieve. Such a book was written in 1988 and...

#Moments April 27

Today’s word for the 30-Day Quotation Challenge is MOMENTS. This past Sunday I was out of town travelling and did not get to attend church. During services I often find myself reflecting on the...

#Alchemist February 17

Yesterday I wrote about the importance of having a daily destination or WHERE. Two years ago I read a book that I revisited last week when I felt my sense of purpose and direction...

#Choices April 9

We wake up today facing another day of COVID 19 disruptions to the routines we all took for granted. The rhythms of work, family, home, community, and play have all been impacted. We have...