Tagged: Square Knot

#Recap October 30

Today is a RECAP of the 30 Day Knot Tying #Coach4adayChallenge. Over the past 30 days I along with Jaclyn Donovan and Jeff Neelon have been learning to tie a wide variety of knots....

#Stitches October 6

Often times when someone cuts themselves badly they ask will it need STITCHES. STITCHES are a way doctors can close certain types of cuts. A doctor uses a special needle and thread to put...

#Camping October 4

On Friday I began a new challenge of attempting to master tying 15- 20 different knots. That means in October to complete the 30 Day #Coach4aday Knot Challenge I am going to be working...

#Rope October 2

Yesterday I began a new challenge of attempting to master tying 15- 20 different knots. That means in October to complete the 30 Day #Coach4aday Knot Challenge I am going to be working daily...