Tagged: Raleigh NC


#Telephones April 10

For the month of April several of us are taking on the “30-Day Conversation Coach4aday Challenge“. Today’s dialog is about TELEPHONES especially in North Carolina. I was around conversations about the telephone industry my entire...

#Markers June 10

Today for the 30-Day Sign Coach4aday Challenge I am talking about MARKERS. Specifically, the North Carolina Historical Marker Sign Program. On Monday I was in Raleigh NC attending a meeting at the North Carolina Museum of...

#Growing February 25

I got asked by a friend that lives in the Northeast what are the fastest GROWING places to live in North Carolina? He also inquired about North Carolina’s most affordable cities to live in....

#Mansion June 4

There have been quite a few stories about the Executive MANSION in Raleigh NC over the past month. My post is not about the political motives of those protests but to relive a time...

#Wall May 14

I am proud of the fact that I have trained for a year and completed a marathon. It is no small feat to cover 26.2 miles on your feet. When you train for a...

#Parks July 27

The summer is winding down and next week is the beginning of August. So with just over a month left in summer here are some ideas about vacations.  One of the best recreation and...