Tagged: Priorities

#Bored January 5

I think every leader has found themselves at some point in the midst of a BORED rut. I have often found that apathy or BOREDOM seems more prevalent after a holiday or vacation. Sometimes...

#Priorities December 31

Today and tomorrow are the days that many people take on the task of establishing resolutions for the new year. I have done that in the past. For 2021 I am establishing three PRIORITIES...

#80/20 Principle October 2

It has been over a month since I listened to a podcast. I had a couple of long drives to make this week and I decided to revisit the Tim Ferris Podcast. I choose the...

#Essentialism December 4

I came across a story about a book I want to read in 2020 called Essentialism-The Disciplined Pursuit of Less the author is Greg McKeown In essence this book is about priorities. In reading...