Tagged: Motivational Quote

#Descartes February 17

This February 2025, several of us are participating in the 30-Day Philosophy Coach4aday Challenge. Each day, we choose a quote or concept from a philosopher, past or present, and share it with others. Participating in this...

#Epicurus February 14

This February 2025, several of us are participating in the 30-Day Philosophy Coach4aday Challenge. Each day, we choose a quote or concept from a philosopher, past or present, and share it with others. Participating in this...

#Thoreau February 11

This February 2025, several of us are participating in the 30-Day Philosophy Coach4aday Challenge. Each day, we choose a quote or concept from a philosopher, past or present, and share it with others. Participating in this...

#Mozi February 9

This February 2025, several of us are participating in the 30-Day Philosophy Coach4aday Challenge. Each day, we choose a quote or concept from a philosopher, past or present, and share it with others. Participating in this...

#CSLewis February 6

This February 2025, several of us are participating in the 30-Day Philosophy Coach4aday Challenge. Each day, we choose a quote or concept from a philosopher, past or present, and share it with others. Participating in this...

#DrFerrell March 27

For March 2024 several of us will be participating in the “30-Day Shout-Out Coach4aday Challenge”. Today the recipient is DR HENRY FERRELL Last week I heard a speaker talk about the lifelong impact that...

#Reshape February 20

For February 2024 several of us will be participating in the “30-Day RE Coach4aday Challenge”. The challenge involves utilizing a word that includes the prefix Re. Today my word is RESHAPE. My six-year-old granddaughter...

#Recur February 6

For February 2024 several of us will be participating in the “30-Day RE Coach4aday Challenge”. The challenge involves utilizing a word that includes the prefix Re. Today my word is RECUR. When the same...

#Defining April 11

Today’s #Coach4aday post is on DEFINING yourself. Often times a motivational quote inspires me to write on a certain topic. Last week I came across this gem from Dr Carl Jung. His piece of...

#Character April 2

Today’s Coach4aday post is on CHARACTER. For the past few months my daily post was connected to challenge. For April I am doing a 30-Day Exercise Challenge but have decided not to blog about...