Tagged: Leadership Lessons

#Art April 2

Leadership lessons can come when we take time to create ART. Twice in the same day two weeks ago I read about creating ART. First it was my friend Dawn Whitley putting a plug...

#Confrontation March 26

I was asked a tough question last week. What leadership lessons did I fail at? My answer was short and painful, CONFRONTATION. The person asking the question gave me a back handed compliment by...

#Bored January 5

I think every leader has found themselves at some point in the midst of a BORED rut. I have often found that apathy or BOREDOM seems more prevalent after a holiday or vacation. Sometimes...

#Appreciation January 1

Yesterday I talked about my 2021 priorities. Today I begin a 30 Day APPRECIATION Challenge with a number of friends. It may not resonate with everyone but it is an important priority for me....

#Listening December 21

The next sentence I write about LISTENING is attributed to Alan Alda and is personally humbling. “Real listening is a willingness to let the other person change you.” One of the real hard things for any...

#Cabinet November 16

ver the next two to three months we will continue to read about the wanion (30 Day Vocabulary Challenge) caused by COVID and presidential CABINET appointments. Who serves on the CABINET often shapes the lives of...

#Check-up August 9

Today’s post is a reblog from Steve Keating. His post was called A Self Leadership Check-Up and he posted it on April 19, 2020. Steve has over 1,000,000 followers of his site called Lead Today including me. Everybody says...

#Lessons July 12

I view myself as positive and upbeat. I also prescribe to the theory that problems can teach us many LESSONS. I love to read biographies because every one I have ever read discusses some...

#Interdependence June 17

As I mature as a leader I have come to realize that I am balancing the perspectives of Independence and INTERDEPENDENCE. I can not help but chuckle at myself as I think of a...

#A May 18

I finished reading a book last week called The Art of Possiblity  The book is a fabulous read that helped me grow. One of the lessons is that you assign the letter “A” as...