Tagged: Lacey Gane

#LaceyGane January 13

For January 2024 several of us will be participating in the “30-Day 6 Degrees of Separation Coach4aday Challenge”-today we learn about the connection of basketball coach named LACEY GANE to Colin Powell. Lacey Gane...

#If August 6

Joseph Rudyard Kipling was an English journalist, short-story writer, poet, and novelist and author of the poem IF. He was born in India, which inspired much of his work. His poetry has lots of...

#BraveNation January 11

This post will likely have a very narrow audience. Last Friday I attended the funeral for Joe Gallagher. He was an iconic figure in not only the athletic history of UNC Pembroke but for...

#Kipling September 14

September’s 30 Day #Coach4aday Challenge is to profile a biography on someone. Today it is on a man named Joseph Rudyard KIPLING. Rudyard was Kipling’s preferred name and he was an English journalist, short-story...

#Advice May 26

“Free ADVICE is often overpriced” is a quote attributed to Charles E. McKenzie. Well today I am having a 50% off sale and sharing ADVICE I was smart or lucky enough to listen to...

#Reunion January 18

Today thanks to the efforts of Tony Dellinger the UNC Pembroke Basketball Family will hold their annual basketball REUNION for alumni. What is really cool about this annual event is that former players, managers,...