Tagged: Franklin Delano Roosevelt

#WarrenDelano January 7

For January 2024 several of us will be participating in the “30-Day 6 Degrees of Separation Coach4aday Challenge”-today we learn about WALTER DELANO and FDR. Occasionally, we tend to believe that a black sheep...

#1932 November 28

Today’s contribution to the 30-Day Election Trivia Coach4aday Challenge is on the elections of 1932. The Presidential Elections of 1932 shifted political dominance in the United States from Republican to Democrat. Great Depression and...

#18 November 10

Today contribution for the 30-Day Election Trivia Coach4aday Challenge is on the path that allowed 18-Year-Old Voters. It might be hard for people under the age of fifty to accept but when I turned...

#Camaraderie September 18

For September I am participating in the 30-Day Literary Lesson Coach4aday Challenge with the focus today on leadership teams having CAMARADERIE. Two weeks ago, I got to spend some time with a good friend Butch Gane...

#TVA July 21

Spending weeks in Florence Alabama has educated me about the Tennessee Valley Authority of TVA. Just across the Tennessee River from Florence is Muscle Shoals AL. It was in Muscle Shoals that TVA got...

#Cabinet November 16

ver the next two to three months we will continue to read about the wanion (30 Day Vocabulary Challenge) caused by COVID and presidential CABINET appointments. Who serves on the CABINET often shapes the lives of...