Tagged: Eugene V Kenney

#ThomasKenney January 8

For January 2024 several of us will be participating in the “30-Day 6 Degrees of Separation Coach4aday Challenge”-today we learn about my great grandfather THOMAS KENNEY and Olympic Volleyball Coach Doug Beal. Embarking on...

#Car March 13

Today contribution to the 30-Day Letter Writing Coach4aday Challenge is on your first CAR. The challenge involves composing a letter to yourself when you were an earlier age. The goal is to focus on a value,...

#Car August 17

Today’s 30 Day Daily #Coach4adayChallenge prompt is to identify the first CAR you drove or owned. Millions of vehicles have been on the American highways over the past 125 years. We have seen Ford, Chevy,...

#Cars August 2

This is a post about the first and second CARS I got to drive. In late 1969 my late Uncle Eugene V. Kenney from Hawthorne NJ (11/27/1910-10/7/1985) gave my dad a car he wasn’t...