Tagged: Dream

#More April 6

Today’s post in the concept of MORE in pursuing excellence. In the 1980’s when it comes to books written about business one title in usually part of every top 10 list. Tom Peters wrote the...

#Dream September 26

For September I am participating in the 30-Day Literary Lesson Coach4aday Challenge today the lesson is achieving a DREAM. Sometimes books even novels can inspire us to achieve. Such a book was written in 1988 and...

#Gym June 5

Being alone in a GYM can be a “happy place” if you have a goal and basketball. It can be happier with a crowd. Our lives sometimes get broken into different chapters. From the...

#Alchemist February 17

Yesterday I wrote about the importance of having a daily destination or WHERE. Two years ago I read a book that I revisited last week when I felt my sense of purpose and direction...

#Surreal March 13

As humans we have rare moments in our lives where we experience the SURREAL. The last two days has sure been that for me. It is where we feel like we are living in...