Tagged: 30 Day DEAL Coach4aday Challenge

#Friends August 30

For the next two weeks I am reposting stories about FRIENDS. This became necessary because my travel schedule is taking me away from access to reliable internet service. It also is demonstrating that the...

#Friends August 27

For the next two weeks I am reposting stories about FRIENDS. This became necessary because my travel schedule is taking me away from access to reliable internet service. It also is demonstrating that the...

#Replacement August 19

Continuing to look for quick ways to implement concepts for the 30-Day DEAL Coach4aday Challenge. Today it is securing REPLACEMENT documents in North Carolina. Documents like birth certificates, marriage licenses, and passports. Post from...

#Eliminate August 17

Continuing to tweak ideas related to the 30-Day DEAL Coach4aday Challenge. Today I am focusing on how to ELIMINATE. Aspiring to create a post today by eliminating all the typing. A post without excessive...

#Collage August 12

Maybe it is true that a picture can convey 1,000 words well then, a COLLAGE can tell a story. This month as a I take on the 30-Day DEAL Coach4aday Challenge I am looking...

#Growth August 11

This month for the 30-Day DEAL Coach4aday Challenge I am continuing to experiment with techniques to help me automate my daily posts. One specific way is reusing some of the nearly 3,000 previous posts...

#Automate August 2

Today for Day-2 of the 30-Day DEAL Coach4aday Challenge I am explaining AUTOMATE. Yesterday when I described this challenge for August, I briefly explained the concept of Automate below. AUTOMATE-Is it possible to delegate...

#DEAL August 1

Today begins the 32nd consecutive month taking on a new Coach4aday 30-Day Challenge. For August 2022 the theme will be attempting to apply some of the concepts in Tim Ferris book the 4-Hour Work...