#SongLyricSunday-Life Is A Highway-November 14
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This week our host Jim Adams for Song Lyric Sunday has given us the prompt of Birth, Death, Life

The goal is to take the prompt and profile a song that has it part of its lyrics or title.
Please consider carving out time to read the posts of other bloggers who responded to the Song Lyric Sunday challenge.
Rules for Song Lyric Sunday
Post the lyrics to the song of your choice, whether it contains the prompt words or not. If it does not meet the criteria, then please explain why you chose this song.
• Please try to include the songwriter(s) – it’s a good idea to give credit where credit is due. Your post can be as long or as short as you want it to be.
• Make sure you also credit the singer/band and if you desire you can provide a link to where you found the lyrics.
• Link to the YouTube video, or pull it into your post so others can listen to the song.
• Ping back to this post or place your link in the comments section below.
• Read at least one other person’s blog, so we can all share new and fantastic music and create amazing new blogging friends in the process.
• Feel free to suggest future prompts.
• Have fun and enjoy the music.
Life is a Highway
For November I am also participating in a 30 Day Album Challenge. Each day I listen to an entire album from cover to cover. My choice for today is Twenty Years of Rascal Flatts which includes the song “Life is a Highway”.

“Life is a Highway” was actually written and released by Canadian-native Tom Cochrane in 1991. It was on his Mad, Mad, World Album. Many readers may be like me and have never heard of Cochrane before but he quite the celebrity in Canada. His honors include the Canadian Music Hall of Fame, being an Honorary Colonel in the Canadian Air Force, and having been inducted onto the Canadian Walk of Fame.
Rascal Flatts got asked to a song for the Disney movie Cars. They recorded a more kid-friendly version of Life is Highway for that 2006 movie. Most of the songs on the sound track for Cars was written by Randy Newman. Here is the complete soundrack.

Lyrics to “Life Is A Highway”

Tom Cochrane performing “Life Is A Highway”
Next week the prompt is Lion, Tiger, Bear, Eagle, Shark
Great choice,another new to me song, thanks 💜
Great choice Coach.
There’s definitely something special about Canadian Rock … Love it!
Great choice for the prompt. I first heard this song because of the movie Cars. Nice to see the writer perform it.