#Smuckers July 6
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Today for Day 6 of the 30-Day Ingredient Coach4aday Challenge I am learning about SMUCKER’S Preserves.

Coffee and toasted artesian Italian Bread smothered in butter and SMUCKER’S Strawberry Preserves is a common breakfast for me.
History of Smucker’s
The J. M. SMUCKER COMPANY was founded in 1897 by Jerome Monroe Smucker in Orville, Ohio. Humble beginnings of selling Apple Butter from an orchard on his farm let to the company being created. One of the unique things about this company was it forward thinking. Smucker’s did not become incorporated until 1921. One of those innovative business practices was listing the ingredients on every product they produced. Smucker’s was doing this well before it became law.
Strawberry Preserves
Simplicity in ingredients just might be what has me liking Smucker’s Strawberry Preserves so much.

Listed below are the ingredients and my focus is to learn about Fruti Pectin.

Fruit Pectin
So, what is Pectin? Pectin is a natural and commercially produced essential ingredient in preserves. In essence it is a thickening agent. It comes in two basic forms a liquid or a powder.
Making a Liquid Fruit Pectin can be done by following a recipe found here.
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