#Retirement March 7
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Today contribution to the 30-Day Letter Writing Coach4aday Challenge is on RETIREMENT goals.

The challenge involves composing a letter to yourself when you were an earlier age. The goal is to focus on a value, habit, or choice that needs to be adopted or made.
Today’s letter is my younger self at the age of 33. During this period of my life, I choose to create some retirement goals for myself. Those targets where heavily influenced by observing others who were entering into that phase of their post working lives.
Day 7 Letter-Goals
May 1986
Dear 33-Year-Old Dan:
Today you made an important decision about RETIREMENT goals. In the past twelve months you have observed colleagues, peers, neighbors, and family members enter into retirement. Some of them made that choice voluntarily others sadly were forced out. What is troubling to you is in each case these are individuals that have spent over 50% of their lives working. As a collective group they got to end of their careers battling three issues you want to avoid. Retiring when your unhealthy, unhappy, and bitter is not something you choose to emulate.
Each of those retirees raised your awareness about what your retirement goals will be. Congratulations are in order to you because from today until your retirement in 2018 you stayed steadfast to three objectives for vacating full-time work. Simply put you wanted to stop work when you are healthy, happy, and grateful.
On February 28, 2018, you will have a smile on your face knowing that your RETIREMENT goal has been achieved.
Retired Dan
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