#Remarkable November 26
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I attempt each morning to write something REMARKABLE.
Some simple definitions on the word REMARKABLE might include astonishing, marvelous, and sensational. Those are all fine but I really like the concept of REMARKABLE being worthy of attention.

I recently listened to a TED Talk by Seth Godin. In that presentation he was talking about how ideas spread. One of the concepts that impressed me was when you experience something that is REMARKABLE you want to share it with friends. That is how an idea, a product, as service or concept spreads.
Seth Godin said that his definition of REMARKABLE “is something so worthy of attention that your friends want to show it to you or you want to show it to them”. He uses examples of someone showing you phone apps like Waze, Venmo, or Untapped. It could be a book, restaurant, or place you visited the common denominator is you want to share it. It could even be a blog post.
It is an amazing concept that has so many ramifications. The quest to be REMARKABLE not only applies to businesses that is trying to sell a product or service but to organizations that are trying to create followers. More importantly it should apply to relationships.
We should all strive to have REMARKABLE relationships with key people in our lives. My next two sentence are a embedded shout out to my wife. The next few days she will amaze family and friends with her hospitality, culinary wizardry, and love. She is the most REMARKABLE thing in my life.

REMARKABLE can become your culture. Civic organizations, churches, and many community involvement activities are experiencing declining participation numbers. Maybe the answer is for each entity to think about what is that they do for others that is REMARKABLE. That is the story they need to focus on and have shared. If there isn’t anything REMARKABLE they need to evaluate why.
In the spirit of Thanksgiving I want to close by saying thanks to everyone who has shared a post of mine. Every time it happens I find that REMARKABLE.
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