#Recap September 30

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Today’s post is a recap of September 30 Day Challenge I called the MIRACLE because it is based on a book by Hal Elrod called The Morning Miracle. The techniques the authored outlined in the book become the challenge for September.

The goal this past month was to create a personal morning routine using the SAVERS acronym. I had several other people take on this challenge.

This 30 Day Miracle Challenge did not require me to add every habit or component of the SAVERS technique. I already was practicing silence, exercise, reading, and scribing. My two new habits were actualization and visualization.

I can say I did an excellent job on the actualization but the visualization presented a far greater challenge. I took some time at the end of August and created four actualization statements. I was religious in reading these out load (quietly) each morning. One of my four statements was:

“My life is full of magic and serendipity”.

I was surprised as I reflected each evening before dosing off to bed how those magically moments materialized each and every day. I had my health insurance carrier waive all my co-pays at multiple doctor appointments in September, I witnessed some pretty cool things in nature, I had friends do small acts for me, I received lots of good news from family members, I received WOW customer service with a technology issue, my fantasy football team came from behind two weeks in a row to score me a win, my granddaughter gave me multiple moments of pride and laughter, and I had wonderful nights of sleep.

The visualization challenge was more of focused concentration. I had some mornings where visualizing my goals was effortless but most mornings it was difficult to stay focused. I am not there yet with visualization but will continue to practice it.

Tomorrow it is on to my tenth 30 Day Challenge of 2020. Hope you will give it a read and decide to join in.


My purpose in life is to coach. I am a former collegiate basketball coach, director of athletics, and chief of staff. I worked at four NCAA Division I & II universities during my career. At each campus I learned timeless lessons on teamwork and leadership. Today my passion is coaching others on what it takes to lead, serve, and succeed.

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