#Possibility April 15
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Today’s word for the 30-Day Quotation Coach4aday Challenge is POSSIBILITY

Our history is full of examples of people achieving what was deemed impossible.
It’s Impossible
Examine the 4-minute mile for distance running. It was once thought impossible but in 1954 it became a reality. Today it is the standard for middle distance runners. Roger Bannister thought it was possible.
Inventing the “incandescent light bulb” by Thomas Edison was viewed as impossible. Henry Morton, president of the Stevens Institute of Technology, had an opinion about Edison. He said, “Everyone acquainted with the subject will recognize it as a conspicuous failure.”
Designing a plane that could fly was not feasible. Here is 1902 quote by a physicist named Simon Newcomb, “Flight by machines heavier than air is impractical and insignificant, if not utterly impossible,”. Orville and Wilbur Wright thought it could be done.
April 15th is the midpoint of this 30-Day Challenge and part of my post is for each reader to discover something that is possible that they deem impossible. To assist there are two links below to help you find a favorite quote about POSSIBILITIES that can exist in your life.
Dig into those examples and determine if something resonates with you. It’s not impossible to change some aspect of you!

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