#Laugh October 20
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Today’s Coach4aday post is on the value of a good LAUGH.

Over the past two weeks I have noticed a number of people in and outside of my circle looking run down and tired. Today’s advertising world will bombard us with over the counter and prescription medicines that claim to bring us joy and happiness. Often times better results can come with a LAUGH.
Laughter Short Term Effects
Embracing a good laugh has great short-term effects.
- Stimulate many organs.-It increases the amount of oxygen enriched air we take in.
- Soothe tension. Laughter stimulates our circulation which can relaxes our muscles.
One disclaimer about this post is I am not a comedian. Yet here I am stepping out of my lane sharing some jokes that hopefully can put a smile on someone’s face today.
Jokes about the Fall
Art Gallery Visit A couple goes to an art gallery. They find a picture of a naked women with only her privates covered with leaves. The wife doesn’t like it and moves on but the husband keeps looking. The wife asks: “What are you waiting for?” The husband replies: “Autumn.”
Pumpkins What’s the ratio of a pumpkin’s circumference to its diameter?… Pumpkin Pi
Harvesting What has ears but can’t hear a thing?… A cornfield.
Sunday Deer Hunting One Sunday a Baptist Minister feigned illness so he could go to his deer stand and do some early morning hunting. That morning right as service were beginning he shot a fantastic 14-point buck! Saint Peter looked down from Heaven and said to God, “You aren’t going to let him bag a prize like that are you?” “Why not?” God replied. “Who’s he going to tell at church?”
Fall Retreat to a Mountain Cabin Some retired deputy sheriffs went to a retreat in the mountains one fall for an entire week. To save money, they decided to sleep two to a room. No one wanted to room with Daryl because he snored so badly. They decided it wasn’t fair to make one of them stay with him the whole time, so they voted to take turns.
The first deputy slept with Daryl and comes to breakfast the next morning with his hair a mess and his eyes all bloodshot. They said, “Man, what happened to you?”
He said, “Daryl snored so loudly, I just sat up and watched him all night.”
The next night it was a different deputy’s turn. In the morning, same thing–hair all standing up, eyes all blood-shot. They said, “Man, what happened to you? You look awful!”
He said, “Man, that Daryl! shakes the roof. I watched him all night.”
The third night was Frank’s turn. Frank was a big burly ex-football player; a man’s man. The next morning he came to breakfast bright eyed and bushy tailed. “Good morning,” he said.
They couldn’t believe it! They said, “Man, what happened?” He said,
“Well, we got ready for bed. I went and tucked Daryl into bed and kissed him good night. He sat up and watched me all night long.”
Laughter is a great form of stress relief, and that’s no joke.
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