#JenJosh March 22
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For March 2024 several of us will be participating in the “30-Day Shout-Out Coach4aday Challenge”. Today the recipient is a couple JEN and JOSH WHITLEY.

On Tuesday March 19th I had two separate but indirect connections with a married couple Jen and Josh Whitley. At 12 Noon I attended a fundraiser for the Cape Fear Council (Boy Scouts) that featured Roy Williams as the speaker. Josh was the chairman and MC for that event that raised in excess of $80,000. He deflected all the credit to others including James Granger and Linda Metzger.
Photos from that event are compliments of Jim Kirkland
Josh making opening remarks.

Roy Williams speaking to sold out crowd on March 19th at First Presbyterian Church

My second interaction was listening to my wife chat with Jen Whitley who is a librarian/testing coordinator at Southeastern Academy. The two of them were planning all the details for a function to honor confirmands this coming Sunday at First Presbyterian Church. It was one example of many on how Jen serves others.
Here is a photo of Jen and Josh

Rules of the Challenge
Organizing and participating in the 30-Day Shout Coach4aday Challenge is very simple. Below are the steps.
Here is how to participate.
- Identify who gets the daily Shout-Out and make sure they know you are recognizing them.
- Describe why you giving them a Shout-Out-what are they doing that is notable?
- Do this daily for 30 Days posting on social media with the hashtag #Coach4adayChallenge
If you need ideas on how to give someone a daily shout-out here is a link on LinkedIn with some ideas that are good for the workplace
March 22nd-Jen and Josh Whitley
Jen and her husband Josh Whitely are two people that ever community needs. They are constantly providing for others in a myriad and host of different ways. I have been blessed to serve with both of them as a deacon in our church. I am humbled by all that they do for others. I am quite certain I do not know all that they do because that is who they are.
Here is a shout-out to two leaders who make living in Lumberton a better place.
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