#Instruments February 1
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For February 2023 the 30-Day Coach4aday Challenge is going to be about INSTRUMENTS.

Today begins the 38th consecutive month of attempting to complete a challenge. For the next four weeks the goal is to become familiar with the origins and sounds of musical contraptions from all over the world.
30-Day Musical Instrument Challenge Guideline
For those gifted with a talent to play music they understand that the number of known instruments in the world is rather large. When I went researching such a list, I quickly realized I didn’t know what a Babendil, Erxian, or Shofar were. My curiosity also was aroused on what type of sound those items would make.
In order to better understand the world of music I decided to create a new 30-Day Challenge. For instance there is grouping of five areas that instruments can be classified in.
Guidelines are as follows:
Each day select an instrument and learn something interesting about it. That can include its history, how it produced or manufactured, and where it is classified.
Listen to that instrument being played and react to its sound.
Share what you have learned using the hashtag #Coach4adayChallenge and if possible, a video of sound the instrument makes.
Day 1 Instrument-Thumb Piano or Mbira
Scrolling thru my list of instruments of the world I became intrigued by a Zimbabwe item called a Mbira. It originally was made out of bamboo and wood but eventually it had metal keys added.
Today you can purchase one on Amazon for $30.00 or less.

Video of Thumb Piano being played
Pretty neat small handheld item that does produce a pleasant sound.
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