#Enthuiastic January 16
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I got posed with a question right after New Years Day. The question came after the following statement was directed at me. “You seem to have a comfortable life” but does that make you happy?
I responded; “I don’t focus on being comfortable but do attempt to be ENTHUIASTIC“

I am not unique when I say my life has not been entirely easy. I also accept that in comparison to others in this world, my life is great. Yet my goal in life has not to become comfortable but rather excited and ENTHUIASTIC about what each day can bring. That includes the gift of today.
I do accept that there may be many people who just want a comfortable life. This is why we see so many people remain in jobs and relationships they are not happy in. They have learned or have become programmed to be complacent with what they have. To change your mindset that you can grow and become more requires encountering something uncomfortable. The best weapon to take into that battle is ENTHUIASISM.
Charles Kingsley was a minister in the Church of England from 1844-1875. He also was a friend of Charles Darwin. In addition to that he was also a university professor, social reformer, historian, novelist and poet. He was not perfect and his view about the Irish and Roman Catholics were harsh and derogatory. Despite his flaws he has a fabulous quote about life;
“We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of life, when all that we need to make us happy is something to be ENTHUIASTIC about.”
What we choose to become ENTHUIASTIC about is up to us. It might be on a list below or maybe it is so unique that only you know what it is. The point is there is something in your life that gets you excited and stretches you to grow.
Health, faith, relationships, family, fitness, business, philanthropy, serving others, hobby,
I will end the post with this.
Become comfortable with the state of being uncomfortable.
Facing the uncomfortableness of change is how grow. I am ENTHUIASTIC about the opportunity to get better today and that makes me happy.
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