#Decisions April 26
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Today the word for the 30-Day Quotation Coach4aday Challenge is DECISIONS.

People in professional careers are paid to make DECISIONS. Manufacturing requires a choice required to complete the process of creating a product. If you are in management you have to decide on goals, targets, and performance of the team you lead. Editors have to decide what gets changed or eliminated.
Each of us in our daily lives is bombarded with lots of prompts hoping to get us to make a choice on something.
Choices and the Dilemma it Creates
Mankind’s progress has delivered us a day filled with more choices. Clothing, food, and what to do with our time for many have become stressors. Even in the best cases where they do not elevate stress it carves away time on determining what is the best choice. Many people truly don’t have time to take on the big issues in their life because of constantly being consumed by small decisions. They have decision fatigue.
Frustrated by decision fatigue then read a book by Greg McKeown titled, Essentialism. The book is full of great suggestions on how you can live a life of design not defaulting to the expectations of others.
One quote from the book:
“If a decision isn’t a clear yes than it is a clear no”
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