#Cookies April 14
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On Good Friday I took on my third baking challenge for the month of April. I decided to make chocolate chip COOKIES from scratch. I found a recipe book in my wife’s collection of cookbooks. I figured a Nestle Toll House Recipe Collection Book was a safe bet. I was about to learn a little bit more than how to bake them.

I had a curiosity about the name Toll House so off to Google I went. I found out the Toll House had a legitimate connection to an actual Toll House it wasn’t some Fifth Avenue marketing strategy.
I found a link that had this quote as part of the story of this COOKIE.
The chocolate chip cookie was invented in the small town of Whitman, Massachusetts. In 1930, Ruth and Kenneth Wakefield opened a restaurant in a historical house that, legend has it, had been the home of a famous painter named Frank Vinny Smith. This house was across the street from the Boston/Bedford Turnpike toll gates, so the Wakefields decided to name their restaurant the Toll House. Both the Wakefields were exceptionally qualified to run a restaurant, and the place was a success for many years, even being featured in Life magazine.
I felt pretty good that I was following Ruth Wakefield recipe even if it was by pure chance.

I assembled all my ingredients and got ready to see if I could bake a COOKIE.

I have to admit when I stop and read the recipes and get everything ready baking is kind of fun. The picture below is me getting the butter, brown sugar, granulated sugar, vanilla extract, and eggs whipped together.

After I added my flour, baking soda, and salt to my bowl it was time to scoop out cookie balls. You have to have a pretty good imagination to call what I put on the cookie sheet a ball.

Into the oven they went for 11 minutes at 375 F. When I opened the oven, what to my wondering eyes should appear but COOKIES. I know Ruth Wakefield has to be smiling from up above.

I will reserve the real test of COOKIE baking success if my package below get a positive review. The critique will be from my granddaughter Bryleigh. On Saturday I took her the cookies.

She took one bite and gave me a big sigh stating she liked it. I am happy with the results of my COOKIE baking.

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