Category: North Carolina

#Birdhunting September 3

Today is the start of a popular BIRDHUNTING Season in North Carolina. For North Carolina hunters they will be looking for Mourning and White-Tailed Doves. I have friends that treat today as a very...

#Replacement August 19

Continuing to look for quick ways to implement concepts for the 30-Day DEAL Coach4aday Challenge. Today it is securing REPLACEMENT documents in North Carolina. Documents like birth certificates, marriage licenses, and passports. Post from...

# Senators August 3

Curiosity struck me today on a very random topic. What might be some interesting facts about SENATORS that have represented North Carolina. For those that are not from the Tar Heel State we currently...

#Brick July 21

Today for Day 21 of the 30-Day Ingredient Coach4aday Challenge my item is the popular building material BRICK. North Carolina produces a lot of different types of items used in home construction including red BRICKS. Making this...

#Paper July 12

Today is Day 12 of the 30-Day Ingredient Coach4aday Challenge with the focus on what goes into making PAPER. Special emphasis on the type we use in copiers. Living in North Carolina you can pick up a...

#NorthState February 12

Earlier this week while chatting with my Dermatologist as she performed some biopsies, she made a revelation to me. She was attempting to memorize various poems including The Old NORTH STATE. Sharing that fact...

#Exempt January 27

Thinking you should be EXEMPT from an obligation often stems from feeling entitled. There are exceptions and I want to talk about one. Taxes often share a common disdain amongst citizens, but we realize...

#Tar January 25

North Carolina’s association with TAR runs deep. Let’s start with the nickname for the UNC Tarheels. Here is the story behind that. UNC Tarheels Nickname Many years ago Many years ago, being called someone...

#Outdoors January 8

One of the many changes Americans have made with the pandemic is spending more time OUTDOORS. Americans and people all over the world took to the great OUTDOORS this past year. Everyone was looking...