#Festivus December 23
Today’s quiz will most likely irritate Jeff Neelon because he has never watched a single episode of Seinfeld. His aggravation will result from the 30-Day Quiz Coach4adayChallenge being on FESTIVUS. For those that don’t...
Today’s quiz will most likely irritate Jeff Neelon because he has never watched a single episode of Seinfeld. His aggravation will result from the 30-Day Quiz Coach4adayChallenge being on FESTIVUS. For those that don’t...
Action movies often have a scene where a safe needs to be opened. The SAFECRACKER may not always be the star of the movie but the character is sure cool. This week listening to...
American vernacular includes a number of references to sport terminology including the word PUNT. Punting in football or in soccer means to kick a ball with the top of the foot. This act is...
On Friday I got to witness a powerful military RITUAL. Often a RITUAL is called a ceremony and what I witnessed last week was in fact a funeral honors ceremony. What makes this RITUAL...
Last Wednesday night I got to observe nature perform an amazing feat. Thousands of birds, right at sunset began to descend into a CHIMNEY with the motion of tornado. My wife and I had...
On Friday I began a new challenge of attempting to master tying 15- 20 different knots. That means in October to complete the 30 Day #Coach4aday Knot Challenge I am going to be working...
Today’s 30 Day Daily Prompt for the #Coach4adayChallenge is identifying your favorite SEASON of the year. Surveys have consistently pointed out where we live may alter our opinion on favorite time of the year....
Today’s 30 Day Daily #Coach4adayChallenge is to identify your favorite film that won the OSCAR for Best Picture. The awards were the brainchild of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS), formed...
Today 30 Day Daily #Coach4adayChallenge prompt is your favorite DAY of the year. This prompt just requires you to share what is your favorite DAY of the year. Two DAYS you cannot mention are...
Today 30 Day Daily #Coach4adayChallenge prompt is about MOVING. Specifically how many times have you relocated in your life. On this fine Saturday I am helping one of my sons relocate his possessions from...
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