Category: Events

#Festivus December 23

Today’s quiz will most likely irritate Jeff Neelon because he has never watched a single episode of Seinfeld. His aggravation will result from the 30-Day Quiz Coach4adayChallenge being on FESTIVUS. For those that don’t...

#Safecracker October 23

Action movies often have a scene where a safe needs to be opened. The SAFECRACKER may not always be the star of the movie but the character is sure cool. This week listening to...

#Punt October 12

American vernacular includes a number of references to sport terminology including the word PUNT. Punting in football or in soccer means to kick a ball with the top of the foot. This act is...

#Ritual October 11

On Friday I got to witness a powerful military RITUAL. Often a RITUAL is called a ceremony and what I witnessed last week was in fact a funeral honors ceremony. What makes this RITUAL...

#Chimney October 5

Last Wednesday night I got to observe nature perform an amazing feat. Thousands of birds, right at sunset began to descend into a CHIMNEY with the motion of tornado. My wife and I had...

#Camping October 4

On Friday I began a new challenge of attempting to master tying 15- 20 different knots. That means in October to complete the 30 Day #Coach4aday Knot Challenge I am going to be working...

#Season August 26

Today’s 30 Day Daily Prompt for the #Coach4adayChallenge is identifying your favorite SEASON of the year. Surveys have consistently pointed out where we live may alter our opinion on favorite time of the year....

#Oscar August 11

Today’s 30 Day Daily #Coach4adayChallenge is to identify your favorite film that won the OSCAR for Best Picture. The awards were the brainchild of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS), formed...

#Day August 9

Today 30 Day Daily #Coach4adayChallenge prompt is your favorite DAY of the year. This prompt just requires you to share what is your favorite DAY of the year. Two DAYS you cannot mention are...

#Moving August 7

Today 30 Day Daily #Coach4adayChallenge prompt is about MOVING. Specifically how many times have you relocated in your life. On this fine Saturday I am helping one of my sons relocate his possessions from...