#Breathing March 21
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I attempt to have draft posts completed 5-7 days ahead of when I will post them. Because of a guest post and COVID-19 I actually began this draft on BREATHING over two weeks ago.
Each morning I edit the draft for that day and publish it. After it is online I write a new draft that will be a future post. This writing technique lets me have piece of mind if something comes up I have a post in the bank so to speak. That has played out very well with all that has happened in the world over the past week.
I started the draft of this post having a hard time BREATHING because I was laughing at myself.

The reason for the self-deprecating chuckles is prior to starting this draft I had just published a post on memory. Prior to editing the memory post I had an idea for my next post and wrote it down hastily and illegibly in my Franklin Covey Day Planner.
I edited the memory post and got it online early on Friday March 6th. I went to my day planner and looked for my draft post idea (highlighted in yellow) and could not read my own writing and worst yet could not remember my idea.

WTF I just wrote a post on memory and now I could not remember what I wrote down 20 minutes ago. I was laughing at myself and I could not breathe. I guess laughing at yourself unlocks some memory safety deposit box because I remembered I wanted to do a post on BREATHING.
I want to share what I learned about box or square BREATHING. I kept coming across this technique in reading about awareness, mindfulness or meditation.
It is a relaxation technique that has many applications for people in high stress situations. Including all of us that find us in or close to panic mode. I use this first thing in the morning before praying.
I came across a lot of references to first responders and military personnel utilizing this BREATHING method. I found lots of mentions of Mark Devine a former Navy Seal of SealFit incorporating this technique into his recommended training.
Here is a video on box or square BREATHING
A possible 30 Day Challenge would be to do box or square BREATHING everyday. Don’t laugh but BREATHING can help us all relax. So can laughing.
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