#Beverage August 3
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Today 30 Day Daily #Coach4adayChallenge prompt is BEVERAGE.

Tell me you favorite, most unusual, or in my case hard to obtain drink. The challenge is for each reader to offer up their response. Think about some aspect of the daily challenge of BEVERAGE that you find interesting and share it. Ping back to this post or place your link in the comments section below.
My beverage is a about a beer that is constantly rated as one of the top in the world. I have had it one time.
Westvleteren 12
The most highly sought-after amongst Belgian Trappist beers is the Westvleteren 12. I have shared one of them with three friends in December 2014.
The Cistercian monks decided after World War II that their brewing activities wouldn’t be a distraction from prayer or other manual labor, and have become notorious for sticking by that decision. A notable exception came in 2011, when the monastery needed extra funds to subsidize renovations and over 90.000 packets were distributed via supermarket Colruyt.
This beer is classified as a Quadruple or Quad and has a ABV of 10.2%. Acquiring it is not done by visiting Total Wine. No, to obtain this wonderful brew you need to get to Saint Sixtus Abbey in Westvleteren, a 20-minute drive from Ypres, Flanders. A second way is have friends like Carey and Joanna Read who in 2014 had access to beers from around the world on the grey market.
I will let the YouTube Video explain a little more about Westvleteren 12
It doesn’t have to be beer but what BEVERAGE does everyone else want to share.
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