#Alphabet April 2

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For the month of April several of us are participating in the 30-Day Conversation Coach4aday Challenge. Each day we share a dialog between two individuals that touches on a theme or topic. Today it is the ALPHABET.

Like many grandparents I believe my grandchildren are advanced for the age, smart, and at times can be adorable. My 6-year-old granddaughter Bryleigh fits that bill. A conversation about an alphabet store galvanized my perception of her.

Here is a picture of her with her dad and mom.

April Conversation Challenge

The overarching aim for the 30-Day Conversation Coach4aday Challenge is to engage or to repeat conversations and disseminate them. I am hoping this post is worth sharing or thinking about.

Rules of the Challenge

First brevity is the key.

Second it is not necessary to fully identify the parties involved but writing it like a script might be helpful.

Third the conversations being shared can come from personal experiences, books, films, TV shows, or are imaginations.

Do this daily for 30 Days posting on social media with the hashtag #Coach4adayChallenge

Day 2-The Alphabet Store

One delightful task I frequently receive is picking up my granddaughter, whether it’s from school or, as in this particular conversation from three years ago, from daycare. She calls me “Pops”.

After securing three-year-old Bryleigh in her car seat, our conversations takes flight, often sparked by challenge questions I pose. On one particular afternoon, as we left Pembroke, NC enroute to Lumberton, she excitedly shared with me this is the same route her daddy takes when he’s headed to the Alphabet Store.

Below is our conversation.

Bryleigh: Pops this is how my daddy drives to get to the Alphabet Store.

Me: Bryleigh I haven’t heard of that store does he buy you books there?

Bryleigh: (sighing) No

Me: Well, what does the alphabet store look like?

Bryleigh: It has letters!

Me: What kind of letters?

Bryleigh: Before she can answer my question-She shouts out “Pops there is the Alphabet Store” and points to the building below.

I laughed all the way to my house and could not wait to tell my son-in-law just how well his daughter knows the alphabet.


My purpose in life is to coach. I am a former collegiate basketball coach, director of athletics, and chief of staff. I worked at four NCAA Division I & II universities during my career. At each campus I learned timeless lessons on teamwork and leadership. Today my passion is coaching others on what it takes to lead, serve, and succeed.

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