#Recap September 30
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Today’s post is a RECAP of the 30 Day Biography #Coach4adayChallenge for September.

In September I really got to enjoy learning about leaders both past and present. Jaclyn Donovan and Jeff Neelon consistently posted a bio on some interesting individual. Jaclyn for the most part shared with everyone information about some fantastic military heroes. Jeff as usual had an eclectic group of people he educated me on.
Hoping they don’t have reward fatigue because once again they receive a Coach4aday Challenge Coin.

Reflecting on the past month I realized that listening to podcasts and reading other blog post created curiosity about people. Everyone has a story and when we take time to listen or research it we can learn.
Often times I would pick up on two theme that ran thru these various biographies. First the people we deem as heroes or success stories had humble beginnings. Second the impact they had on others was attributed to them giving away their ideas, fortunes, or lives to better someone else.
Towards the end of the month I got touched by the impact Booker T Washington and Julius Rosenwald had in creating Rosenwald Schools. Rosenwald was part owner of Sears but created the Rosenewald Foundation. His gift in 1917 until 1932 built 5,357 schools, workshops and teacher housing in the South. It was a combination of gifts, public funding and foundation money that built these facilities in 883 counties and 15 states. Those schools were built for African-American children in the south.
What can be learned thru a biography? Biographies helped me gain insight into how successful people handled crises, solved complex problems., and better mankind. Really happy I invested time in reading and writing about the 30 Day Biography Challenge.
Tomorrow it is on to a new 30 Day Challenge.
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