#Worthiness April 23
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WORTHINESS is quality many of us struggle with. It is often at the core of many emotional dilemmas.

Here is a list of human woes and conditions often attributed to not feeling deserving or adequate:
Co-dependence, addiction, depression, illness, victim-hood, abuse, lack of confidence, poor communication, power issues, obesity, indecision, confusion, panic attacks, abandonment issues, trust issues, eating disorders, and relationship issues all are elevated when we do not feel WORTHY.
I recommend everyone consider reading some of Dr. Brene Brown books. Recently Parade Magazine had an article called “75 Brené Brown Quotes on Self-Love, Courage and Vulnerability” that was written by Lindsay Lowe.
In that article there was a fantastic piece of advice as it relates to WORTHINESS.
“When you get to a place where you understand that love and belonging, your worthiness, is a birthright and not something you have to earn, anything is possible,”
The key takeaway is that WORTHNINESS is not something you have to earn from others. You already are WORTHY.
Here is link to the 2012 TED Blog interview that Brene Brown where she offers all of us some fantastic reminders about the importance of WORTHINESS.
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