#Possessions March 29
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I visited a good friend of mine two weeks ago at his home. As I arrived he was busy purging his closet of clothes and various personal POSSESIONS.

During the NCAA Basketball Tournament you hear the announcers often mention POSSESSIONS. It is one of those English words that has different meanings. As a coach I used to preach “Win this POSSESSION” to the teams I coached. Translated the next POSSESSION becomes the “game within the game”. Do your best on the next play. Its intention is to focus on the present moment not the final outcome.
Owning stuff is a definition of POSSESSION also. A few weeks ago I read something that struck me as spot on.
There is more joy in pursuing less than can be found in pursuing more.
My friend was telling that he was so happy purging his wardrobe. He had come to accept that the suits and sports jackets no longer served a purpose for the life he was leading. Previously his professional life revolved around selling and promoting POSSESSIONS to others. He had to look the part of a well dressed sales professional. A series of experiences changed my friend’s perspective.
Life often comes at us hard and fast. My friend went thru a series of personal struggles that caused him to reevaluate what is important. He was able to battle thru some of his struggles successfully. Some of his trials he won’t overcome but has learned to accept what he cannot control. He tells me often he would have failed without the help of professionals, friends, and a belief in a higher power. His collection of tangible POSSESSIONS were of little value in helping restore his health.
His new purpose in life is all about helping others battle demons. It gives him a way to pay forward what he received. I have told him countless times it makes him significant. In a self-deprecating manner he jokes back at me, that helping others doesn’t require fashionable clothes.
Chasing property, valuables, the latest fashion style, or any type of POSSESSION steals our time and often all of our energy. What we all should be spending our time and energy on is creating a life of significance. Significance is found I believe in helping others. Significance is created when you seek to improve a relationships. My friend discovered significance doesn’t require a tailored suit and matching tie.
As I left my friend he went back to cleaning out his closets and I realized that he was inspiring me. People that have significance in their lives have a tendency to do that.
Being the best we can be at this very moment, is the POSSESSION we all should covet.
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